Friday, August 21, 2009

Things I can Do after my MA...just in case I forget later on

  1. Become an AOL teacher
  2. Civil Services
  3. MBA
  4. Become a teacher in Dubai
  5. Teach in a school while I do no. 2/ no. 3
  6. Enrol in a Ph D and start teaching in a college alongside
  7. Volunteer abroad and/or at home
  8. Start and manage highly succesful business
  9. Get married (Oh no no no no no!)
  10. Get another degree which is not an MBA or a Doctrate
  11. Join an activist group in India; Make Arundhati Roy my role model
  12. Teach English in Dubai or China and lead a very fulfilling life there
  13. Take cookery classes in the Brit Cuisine...Teach them ahem pasta and mashed potatoes, plus custard and sandwiches. Maybe some boiled veggies and chips. Lovely, innit?
Thats all I can think right now...Will keep editing as ideas keep popping in. Merci Beaucoup!

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