- Become an AOL teacher
- Civil Services
- Become a teacher in Dubai
- Teach in a school while I do no. 2/ no. 3
- Enrol in a Ph D and start teaching in a college alongside
- Volunteer abroad and/or at home
- Start and manage highly succesful business
- Get married (Oh no no no no no!)
- Get another degree which is not an MBA or a Doctrate
- Join an activist group in India; Make Arundhati Roy my role model
- Teach English in Dubai or China and lead a very fulfilling life there
- Take cookery classes in the Brit Cuisine...Teach them ahem pasta and mashed potatoes, plus custard and sandwiches. Maybe some boiled veggies and chips. Lovely, innit?
Thats all I can think right now...Will keep editing as ideas keep popping in. Merci Beaucoup!
wow... keeping all the options open, arent we???????